In the Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy, it is said that one man, after whom had been nagged by his wife to understand his scale in the universe, created a device that actually could. Using Quantum Entanglement and a piece of faerie cake (theoretically any object can be used, faerie cake just offers a good snack) he calculated that his device actually could show you exactly your size compared to the universe. He rushed to show his wife, who immediately afterwards suffered a brain hemorrhage and died. The man, realized at this moment exactly how important it was that nobody should ever understand the vast size of the universe compared to themselves, and locked his machine away.
Anyway, nice "game." It's actually really informative. All my 5 R belong to this.
Also: If we can't see past the 14,000,000,000 year mark, then how does the universe exist past that line if nothing but Neutrinos can travel faster than light?